18TH TOP MODEL OF THE WORLD-PAGEANT will be held on 16 March 2011 in Usedom, Germany.
Below are the list of contestants: Click on the contestant's name and country to view their Profile & Photo
Algeria - Yasmine Ouchene
Armenia - Juletta Gizhlaryan
Australia - Christine Andrew
Baltic Sea - Katerina Fedosejeva
Bay Island - Johanna Castillo
Belgium - Annelien Pauwels
Black Sea - Nina Astrakhantseva
Bolivia - Alejandra Panonzo Muguertegui
Brazil - Juliete Janaine Beraldo de Pieri
Bulgaria - Petia Velkova
Canada - Denise Garrido
Caspian Sea - Oxana Solomanina
Caucasus - Anush Evoyan
China - Ziyi Xiong
Colombia - Lizeth Carolina Gonzales Romero
Denmark - Rikke Jorgensen
Dominican Republic - Thelma Lecta
El Salvador - Anita Puertas
England - Georgia Smith
Ethiopia - Aman Taye Lemma
Georgia -
Germany - Leslie Braumann
Ghana - Portia Abena Essel
Guadeloupe - Marika Popotte
Haiti - Danessa Taveras
Honduras - Marilyn Medina
India - Michelle Almeida
Kazakhstan - Dana Jangarasheva
Korea - Jaerang Park
Kyrgyzstan - Elgina Ludmila
Latvia - Agnese Eiduka
Lebanon - Serena Tannir
Lithuania - Karolina Zubkute
Luxembourg - Melanie Santiago Duran
Macedonia - Ivana Stojanova
Malta - Chantelle Attard
Mediterranean - Caroline Aquelina
Mexico - Nadia Cortes
Netherland - Laureen Vlashof
Northern Ireland - Jade Martine Roberts
Philippines - Madison Elliott
Poland - Zuzanna Brzezinska
Romania - Loredana Salanta
(43) Russia - Irina Gorlova
San Andres Island - Rosa Cordoba
Spain - Eva Rodriguez Quiroga
St. Vincent & Grenadines - Antoinell Keizer
Sweden - Sofia Hällstrand
Turkey - Sezgi Tüzel
Ukraine - Loboda Diana
Zambia - Pecivia Mulenga
Zimbabwe - Vanessa Sibanda
(updating to be continued)
source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)